哈罗德分享 | Tips to Learn Piano Effectively 有效学习钢琴的技巧

2019-06-12 17:19


Learning to play the piano is a lot of fun and a very rewarding experience.While there’s no substitute for practicing – sorry folks! – here are some effective tips to help you along your journey towards learning the piano. I’m sure it will be a very exciting one!


哈罗德分享 | Tips to Learn Piano Effectively 有效学习钢琴的技巧
Be patient with yourself while practicing. It takes time for your brain and muscles to connect. Did you know that sleeping between practices helps you make faster progress? Take a nap!

哈罗德分享 | Tips to Learn Piano Effectively 有效学习钢琴的技巧
Practice slowly to avoid mistakes. Your brain will remember mistakes faster when you have an emotional outburst (“Arghhh, no”). Rather practice slowly and feed your brain the correct information, then give it positive affirmation like “Yeahhh, I’m a piano genius!”

哈罗德分享 | Tips to Learn Piano Effectively 有效学习钢琴的技巧
Make a schedule to practice piano each week, start out with 15 minutes every other day and work your way up to practicing every day! By setting easy goals, you can avoid associating practising piano with “pressure” or discomfort. Besides, your to-do list is long enough already. Playing piano should be the fun part of your week!

哈罗德分享 | Tips to Learn Piano Effectively 有效学习钢琴的技巧
Be comfortable playing the piano piece before you move on to the next challenge. Learn to play the piece in time. Also try to play the piece by heart; that’s the best indication that you’re more than ready for the next song. Plus you’ll impress your listeners by not needing a musical score in front of you and hear them say, “Wow, he really is a piano genius”. 




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