钢琴榔头界的三巨头 3 international brand of hammer

2019-04-18 17:27




As one of the important parts of the piano, hammer has a certain impact on the timbre of the piano. Therefore, we have to know the brand of hammer when purchasing the piano,.Of course, the quality of hammer in different model of same brand is different too, so, brand cannot compare between each other, but here we must mention the most famous 3 big hammer brand in the world.





德国著名品牌榔头FFW(Filzfabric Wurzen)制造厂,生产其纯羊毛榔头产品历史悠久,德国Weickert毛毡厂,自1847年开始,已成功研制出第一组应用在钢琴上的榔头,当年已备受各大品牌钢琴采用。继传至1991年,Weickert的后人继承先祖的技术,延续在Filzfabric Wurzen出产FFW Hammer榔头而名闻国际,现今世界顶级的钢琴品牌大多是采用其配件。

German famous hammer brand  FFW(Filzfabric Wurzen) factory, the production of its pure wool hammer has a long history. German Weickert felt factory, has successfully developed the first group of hammer applied to the piano since 1847, which has been widely used in the piano brand. Following the succession to 1991, Weickert's descendants inherited the technology of their ancestors and continued to produce FFW Hammer in Filzfabric Wurzen. Nowadays, most of the world's top piano brands adopt its accessories.



FFW hammer has excellent elasticity and suitable hardness. High impact, wear resistance, high-end wool hammer, round and bright tone with modern texture.



The German HARRODSER harrod piano's h-1 series, x-1 series, h-118 and h-119 all use the FFW hammer imported from Germany, which guarantees soft hand feeling and rich tone gradation.



CEO of HARRODSER piano, China office and FFW hammer manufacturer






Since 1982, ABEL hammer has been producing high quality hammer for grand and upright pianos and selling them worldwide. The quality of hammer  produced by our company has been widely appreciated by piano manufacturers and technicians in the industry due to the best quality of raw materials and exquisite technology. In order to further improve the quality of our products, ABEL hammer was actively involved in the development of BIOFELT, the biological felt project, initiated by the European Union from 2003 to 2006. This project aims to use digital microscope to check the quality of existing and past felt. After analysis and research, the most advanced technology and natural raw materials are used to develop natural biological felt with higher elasticity and toughness. Using the knowledge and techniques learned in the BIOFELT project, ABEL has further improved its felt quality and production processes.



Abel hammer is made of European horn wood and German wool felt. The quality of horn wood is hard, with very strong fight against dozen ability, and do not deform or break. German wool felt has very good softness, uniform texture, which can make the sound beautiful, clear and expressive.



German HARRODSER harrod piano , HG series, h-2 series, h-5 series, x-5 series, h-6y and x-3l are all Abel hammer imported from Germany. The world's top quality makes the piano touch the keys with natural weight, generous and bright tone, and better performance.





CEO of HARRODSER piano, China office and ABEL hammer manufacturer





坐落在德国斯图加特以产品著名的雷诺公司是世界上最大的独立经营、制造钢琴击弦机零件和榔头的公司。雷诺制造400个基本品种的榔头,这还不包括多种材料的弦槌柄木芯和特殊定制的榔头。世界上出类拔萃的德国Steinway、SEILER、Mason&Hamlim、Fazioli、Bechstein等钢琴都在使用雷诺公司为它们特殊定制的榔头。优质蓝榔头(The Preniun Blue)是为高质量的北美钢琴,欧洲钢琴,特别是北美的古式钢琴而设计、制造生产的。雷诺的羊毛采购员仍可以从世界上仅有的几个地方得到最长纤维的高质量羊毛。

Based in Stuttgart, Germany, Renault is the world's largest independent manufacturer of piano action parts and hammer. Renault makes 400 basic varieties of hammer, not including a variety of wooden core for hammer shank moulding and custom-made hammer. The world's top German pianos Steinway, SEILER, Mason&Hamlim, Fazioli, Bechstein and others all use a specially tailored hammer from Renault. The Preniun Blue is designed and manufactured for high quality north American pianos, European pianos, and especially north American classical pianos. Renault's wool buyers can still get high-quality wool with the longest fibers from just a few places in the world



The Renault hammer is made of high quality wool with a mahogany core and the longest fibre. The mahogany core is of medium density, high tension and high quality wool. It does not need to inject any paint or artificial chemical ingredients when it is handmade. As a result, the quality of the Renault hammer is relatively hard inside and soft outside.The sound of hitting the strings is soft, but it has strong penetrating power, making the timbre clear and transparent without losing the sense of thickness.



The German HARRODSER h-8 piano uses the original imported Renault hammer, and the top configuration makes it specially designed for master performance. Both the material selection and technique show the king's demeanor.



CEO of HARRODSER piano,China office and Renault hammer manufacturer



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